Who measured the radius of earth?
A) Al bairuni B) Eratosthenes C) Archimedes D) None of these
A) Al bairuni B) Eratosthenes C) Archimedes D) None of these
A) Earth B) Venus C) Uranus D) Mercury
A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Uranus D) Venus
A) Epidermis B) Dermis C) Endodermis D) Hypodermis
A) 2 B) 4 C) 1 D) 3
A) Bacteria B) Ascaris C) Suinea worm D) None …
A) Nephridiopores B) Homeostasis C) Nephrostome D) None of these
A) Homeotherms B) Heterotherms C) Ectotherms D) None of these
A) Urea B) Uric acid C) Ammonia D) All of these
A) Hydrophytes B) Xerophytes C) Mesophytes D) Halophytes