What is called the study of heredity?
A) Mechanics B) Genetics C) Agrostology D) Entomology
A) Mechanics B) Genetics C) Agrostology D) Entomology
A) Morphology B) Anatomy C) Entomology D) Agrostology
A) Mechanical energy B) Electrical energy C) Sound energy D) Chemical energy
A) Mutualist B) Pessimist C) Parasite D) All of these
A) Farad B) Volt C) Diopter D) Ampere
A) -273 Degree C B) -50 degree C C) 0 degree C D) …
A) Paul Kennedy B) Sidney Rolt C) Jean Jacques Rosseau D) All of these
A) John Devi B) Martin Gegenschein C) Plato D) All …
A) Principal B) Director C) Students D) Teacher
A) fast B) Are Gentle C) Works Hard D) All of these