Who discovered life in plants?
A) Rousseau B) Plato C) Jagdish Chandra Bose D) Richard
A) Rousseau B) Plato C) Jagdish Chandra Bose D) Richard
A) Genetics B) Optics C) Parasitology D) All of these
A) Vitamin B) Carbohydrates C) Lipids D) Protein
A) poison B) Base C) Liquid D) Gas
A) Mechanics B) Genetics C) Agrostology D) Entomology
A) Morphology B) Anatomy C) Entomology D) Agrostology
A) Mechanical energy B) Electrical energy C) Sound energy D) Chemical energy
A) Mutualist B) Pessimist C) Parasite D) All of these
A) Farad B) Volt C) Diopter D) Ampere
A) -273 Degree C B) -50 degree C C) 0 degree C D) …