What does GDP stand?
A) Grand Domestic Product B) Great Domestic Product C) Gross Domestic Product D) …
A) Grand Domestic Product B) Great Domestic Product C) Gross Domestic Product D) …
A) Endogenous variables B) Stock variables C) Exogenous variables D) …
A) Dependent variables B) Independent variables C) Neutral D) Constant
A) in time period B) in interval of time C) At point in time D) None …
A) export B) Import C) Labor D) Tariff
A) Positive B) Negative C) Neutral D) All of these
A) Positive B) Neutral C) Negative D) None of these
A) Investment B) Interest C) Income D) Output
A) Cost B) Price C) Income D) Interest rate
A) Negative B) Neutral C) Positive D) None of these